12 Desember 2009


GENIUS FUND, info tentang penambahan bahasa, fasilitas deposit dengan credit card, compounding dan peningkatan fasilitas pengamanan server.

Genius Fund terus melakukan peningkatan terhadap program investasinya. Dalam seminggu ini mereka menambahkan pilihan bahasa alternatif yang baru yaitu bahasa Prancis dan Spanyol. Seperti kita ketahui bahwa bahasa Indonesia udah duluan dibuatkan sejak tahun 2008 lalu ketika Genius baru muncul.

Sekarang investor genius udah bisa melakukan transfer deposit menggunakan Credit card (Visa, Master Card dan American Express) melalui account Alert Pay. Tentang prosedur detailnya terus terang saya juga ga paham karena saya ga punya account Alert Pay.

Di member area tersedia fasilitas automatic compounding yang bisa diset dari 0% hingga 100%, dan persentase compounding ini bisa diganti2 tanpa menunggu habis kontrak. Tentu saja saya sangat tidak menyarankan bagi rekan2 yang belum BEP (balik modal) untuk menggunakan fasilitas tersebut.

Karena namanya yang semakin besar, tentu saja para hacker terus berusaha untuk mencoba menembus keamanan website nya. Kata mas George Schale, kemarin ada lagi upaya serangan besar yang mencoba menembus sistem keamanan mereka. Tentu saja Genius terus meningkatkan sistem keamanannya untuk menangkal itu semua.

Dear ighy,
At Genius we are committed to providing you with a top notch investment platform and the great service you deserve. That is why we are investing heavily in improving our products and services. I am very pleased to inform you of some of the improvements we implemented over the past week.

French Language Web Site
Due to our continuing success in French-speaking countries, we have opted to have our web site translated into the French language. Now all native French-speakers have a fully localized web site for their convenience.

Spanish Language Web Site
After numerous requests by our investors, we have decided to introduce a Spanish version of our web site. Work on localization is currently under way and is planned to be completed on the 15th of May, 2009. We also plan to introduce Spanish-speaking customer support representatives.

For convenience of those investors who would like to make their deposit using a credit card, AlertPay, a processor that we have been accepting for more than two months, has finally allowed our investors to make deposits into their accounts at Genius using Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit cards.

Reinvestment Power
Did you know that Genius offers automatic reinvestment (compounding) of your dividends? Just set reinvestment rate for your Genius account and each payout will be automatically used to purchase additional shares. By utilizing this powerful feature your total income will significantly increase over time in comparison to daily or weekly withdrawals. Our online calculator can be used to calculate the potential gain. Please note that you may change your reinvestment rate back at any time, including setting it back to 0%.

Denial of Service Attack Protection
While we have already been employing sophisticated methods of fighting these type of attacks, one large-scale attack had managed to restrict access to our web site for several hours during the weekend. To counter any future attacks of this scale we have upgraded fire wall equipment in our server room. We have also instructed our ISP to install new equipment which could mitigate attacks of this scale in the future.

Best Regards,
George Schale,
Genius Investments Limited
Tel. +44 200 222 7598
Fax. +44 20 7855 0844

4 komentar:

slank mengatakan...

Mungkin banyak orang indonesia yg invest disana makanya pake bhs indo segala...nice blog mas


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